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Seminar Camp17-18 Jährige1 bis 2 Teilnehmer_innen3 WochenYouth Meeting12, 13, 14, 15, 16-99 Jährige6 oder 1 Teilnehmer_in, 1 Leader_in8 oder 15 TageStep Up14-15 Jährige4 Teilnehmer_innen + 1 Leader_in24 TageVillage11 Jährige4 Teilnehmer_innen + 1 Leader_in4 WochenJunior Counselor16-17 Jährige1 Junior Counselor4 WochenInterchange12-13, 13-14, 14-15 Jährige4-12 Teilnehmer_innen, 1-2 Leader_innen2x2 oder 4 Wochen
Detaillierte Beschreibung der int. Programme, bei gibt’s eine schöne Aufteilung in Village, IC, etc.
- Date
- 9 oktobra, 2016
A camp-based programme for 11-year-olds lasting 28 days The first Village, our original programme, was held in 1951 CISV Villages are international camps that inspire 11-year-old […]- Date
- 9 oktobra, 2016
Two-way family exchange programme for 12–15 year olds; each exchange lasts between 14 to 28 days The first Interchange was held in 1961. While based on the […]- Date
- 9 oktobra, 2016
A camp-based programme for 14-15 year olds, lasting 23 days The first Step Up was held in 1985 CISV’s Step Up programme encourages young people to […]- Date
- 9 oktobra, 2016
A camp-based programme for 12-19 + year-olds, lasting either 8 or 15 days The first Youth Meeting was held in 1969. Youth Meetings bring small groups […]- Date
- 9 oktobra, 2016
A camp-based programme for 17-18 year olds, lasting 21 days The first Seminar Camp was held in 1959 This personally challenging, intensive programme is coordinated by […]- Date
- 9 oktobra, 2016
5-6 JCs (Junior Counsellors) – young people who are experienced in CISV, who take the role of an “older sibling” for the 11-year-old participant – are […]- Date
- 9 oktobra, 2016
An international community-based programme for people aged 19+, lasting 14-23 days International People’s Projects (IPPs) are locally run projects that benefit a community and its environment. In […]- Date
- 9 oktobra, 2016
Our programs for under-16s are accompanied by volunteer adults. Each delegation of 4-6 children / teenagers is looked after by such a “leader”. They must be […]